Prostate Health Forum

Prostate Health Forum

Prostate Health Forum
June 8
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM

On Saturday, June 8th at 9:00 AM, Grove Church, in partnership with the Prostate Health Forum and several other community sponsors, will host our third annual Early Detection Educational Seminar in our Family Life Center Gym. The purpose of this FREE event is to save our men's lives and preserve our families by testing at least 100 men. Why? Because one in five African American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. African American men in Portsmouth, Virginia, have the highest mortality rate of any ethnic group in the United States. We must do all we can to educate each other to prevent the premature loss of so many of our black men. This event will include awareness & education seminars for both men and women, followed by PSA tests & DRE exams for the men. Healthy food samples and fitness & exercise tips will also be shared by experts in those fields.



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